Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Bare Necessities for the Ipod {Disney Style}

Trying to keep my motivation going and one way I thought was loading up my Ipod with Disney music... perfect for the occassion I am preparing for!!! 26.2 miles of pure MAGIC...

Here are a few I have thought of:

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo
Kiss the Girl
Go the Distance
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Disney Medley

What are some of your favorites??  Please share!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Exactly... No EXCUSES!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Motivation: What gets you going?

Disney Marathon Training starts TOMORROW!! 

Workout vacation is OVER!

After being gone for a week I am currently in a slump. I am trying to get myself back into the groove of things and get back into a workout routine... usually what helps is getting new clothes to workout in...

We shall see!! What are some things you do to get back into the routine? Let's get back into it... hitting the gym hard tomorrow!! I am actually excited!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Does God Use Google?

Typical morning, just surfing the net. Trying to find the motivation to get to the gym. Thought... let me look for some new workout clothes. That usually sparks some desire. So...

I googled "workout clothes"... went to my budget friendly- Old Navy. Nothing. OK, let me try Athleta{gotta dream you know}... the page loads up, I look down at the bottom and I see THIS picture...

How awesome... and it had THIS article attached... I thought it was a GREAT follow up to my previous post {only better}.


Reaching Your Finish Line

The other day I shared my motivational speaking program, Reaching Your Finish Lines, with a group in Denver. In my hour keynote, I share with the audience my life as an athlete, subsequent accident, recovery and return to sports as a wheelchair athlete, competing in national and international competitions and completing two Iron distance triathlons. After my speech a woman came up to me to tell me that she was inspired by all I had done, and she said, “I can’t believe you can do an Ironman with just your arms! I would never be able to do a triathlon.”

It wasn’t the first time I had heard a statement like that and I’m sure it won’t be the last. But every time I hear it I begin to wonder. I think some people make that statement because they know they could never do a triathlon, and for no other reason than they don’t want to do a triathlon. They know it takes work, effort, dedication, motivation….all those things that it takes to accomplish any goal and if it’s not something that you’re truly invested in, then of course, you will never be able to do it. Just like I watch my husband tinker with his motorcycle and think, “I could never fix a motorcycle.” Not because I’m not capable, but because I don’t have interest in investing the time and energy in learning how to do it. But then I think there are those people who just don’t know their own greatness. They think they can’t, so they don’t even try. How many times do we talk ourselves out of things because we are afraid to try, afraid to fail or just don’t have the gumption to put ourselves out there?

Read the rest of the article HERE. 


REALLY, God... you are good... real, real good.

I needed the message. I needed the reassurance... you CAN do it. It won't be easy, but you can. It will get frustrating, but you can. You will find every excuse out there to NOT do it, but you can. It's too hard, but you can. It's too hot, but you can. It hurts, but you can.

You can. I can.

Question is- Do you want to?

Powerful message and all I was doing was googling "workout" clothes that I couldn't afford. ;-)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Enough Already!

Enough with the I can't...

I can't...

because I don't have a baby sitter... but the sitter appears for night's out.
because I don't have time... 30 min.- 1hr... we can do that.
because it is too expensive... so are the buffets, the cover charges at the clubs, bars, etc.... uh, yeah...
because it is just too hard... so is carrying around 50+ extra weight around (speaking from experience).
because I have a lot going on... uh yeah... trust me, I know. But if we don't take care of ourselves we won't have much going on for much longer...
because my foot, hurts, I'm sore, my injury from 3 years ago... blah, blah, blah... I am the LAST person who will pity you for your foot hurting.  Sorry.
Bottom line... no excuse is a good excuse. Just get it done.
If you don't, just be honest- I didn't do it because I CHOSE not to. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Being Strong in the Midst of the Excuses

Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.

Getting fit and healthy is hard. I am sure we have all been there done that on the topic. What truly helped me this time around (yes, that means I've tried it before and failed) is having a true reason... a goal... motivation.

I had the best excuse in the world to not to... I mean, I am disabled. Exercise... Me?? Yeah right! I've gained all my weight because, well, I can't workout. It's too hard for me. (Forget the fact that I was eating fast food every day, chips, soda, sweets - that had NOTHING to do with it.) I was overweight because I was handicapped. I was allowing myself to believe that. Others believed that about me too. Finally it clicked... NOO!! I NEED to do something... I CAN... and I did. I am now stronger than I have ever been... physically, mentally and most importantly - Spiritually.

So, I don't buy anyone's excuses. Nobody has a good enough excuse to not take care of themselves. Nobody. So get over it if you do... it is NOT good enough. Go out and do it. Go out and make yourself a priority. Make your someday- TODAY!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday's Thought

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Overcoming the ZUMBACYCLING Shuffle...


Seriously... Zumba seems like a blast and I am sure it IS. Cycling seems great too... I LOVE my handcycle. BUT... doing it And expect to see results?? It is NOT happening... sorry to burst your bubble. Cardio is good for you... it is needed... but try to mix in some serious weight training in there. Challenge yoruself at least 2-3 times a week and get it done! You will see the difference, feel the difference and you won't regret it!! You don't believe me... read more from Rachel Crosgrove... her book...

Click HERE to go to her blog. 

I love this story that she shares on her blog...

On one of our trips, I got up early to head down to the gym to workout. Gym opened at 6am. I arrived at about 6:10am and the treadmills were all taken(not that I wanted one but it goes with my story). This gym was very well equipped for a hotel gym. Every possible fixed machine you could imagine PLUS a full set of free weights up to 75 pounds(plenty) and a smith machine, swiss balls, medicine balls, a nice pulley station- lots of good stuff to get a good work out in. Yet, everyone was trudging along on the treadmills doing the treadmill shuffle, staring at TV’s.

I went over to the weight training area did a warm up of lunges, stretches and movement prep and then grabbed the 30 pound dumbbells and started with a set of lunges. During my workout only one woman ventured over to the free weights after she finished her hour on the treadmill and she grabbed the 5’s and this was her routine-

She started with bicep curls, then some strange thing where she put the weights behind her and pulsed for 20 reps (I imagine she thought it was for toning her triceps), then overhead presses, then shoulder rolls, then lateral raises, then bicep curls AGAIN but this time hammer curls and then finished with her arms behind her again but this time bending her elbows(probably thought she was working her triceps again) all without setting the weights down.

She proceeded to set the pink 5 pounders down and hit the locker room for a shower. That was it- that was her strength training. An hour on the treadmill and then that?

Sometimes, it is good for me to get outside of my bubble at our gym, where all of our female clients lift weights, challenge themselves and the priority workout for them is their strength training. They all do “bang for your buck” exercises and no woman at our gym spends more than 20 minutes on a treadmill (most don’t spend any time on a treadmill.) We have two treadmills that are empty most of the time. All of our female clients use effective exercises such as real push ups to get the toned, defined arms I have a feeling that woman was after.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011



My journey is still going... because I can... and I AM entitled to it!! 

Feel entitled to be...

show offy

Feel entitled to feel like you can do absolutely ANYTHING you want to do... because...
You CAN!

Friday, April 15, 2011


"Did you feel guilty cursing God--you, of all people?'
No,' he said. 'Because even in doing so, I was recognizing there was a greater power than me.'
He paused.
And that is how I began to heal."
— Mitch Albom

I have my moments where I do break down and yell at God and let Him know I am angry and I question Him.  I ask Him WHY??? 

 Do I feel bad about it?  No. 

 Do I think He dislikes that I do that?  No. 

 He understands.  He knows.  He is okay with it because it is letting Him know, I believe in Him... I acknowledge Him...I talk to Him...

I know...

 He is all powerful... He is God... an Amazing God....

and He is there for us... always...

even in our anger... He is there.  And that is...

How we heal.


This song tells it perfectly...

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise



My raindrops have been my blessing... I cried so that I could heal... I stayed awake at night, so I could speak to Him... He was merciful... He carried me as I yelled at Him, but...
 He understood

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Sometimes to get where you need to be you must go back to the beginning and start over, retracing the trail of bread crumbs until you arrive back at who you really are . . . and who you were meant to be all along...


Although it took me 32 years I believe I finally found my purpose. What God intended me to be, what He intended for me to do.

At first I thought all my energy needed to go towards Childhood Cancer Awareness... and trust me a lot of it IS. But, today I realized He was still tugging at me for something else... after the little nudge finally I got His message... I NEED to be a voice for the disabled who have the DESIRE to do more... the DESIRE to quit just watching and start doing... and I am going to do just that... I am going to pave the dirt road... the road NOT traveled by much of South Texas... well... here I go... wish me the best!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Did Someone Say Party???


Welcome to my blog Wheeling to Disney! My focus on this blog is to share with people that ANYTHING is POSSIBLE!!! I have a disabilty and for years lived my life in the "boohoo woe is me" stage... finally I just GOT OVER IT... and I now have dreams and goals that I am too stubborn to not have come true! So enjoy my blog and share it with others... and always remember YOU CAN DO ANYTHING... no matter what the obstacle!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Really Wanted To Do It... So...

I did.

I want to be "marathon ready" as soon as possible. I have until January to prepare... but I want to know I can do it way before then... endurance wise at least. I truly feel I'm on the right track. Thanks to some training advice from Jason Dugmore, I started "just doing it". I try to do about 7 miles at least 2x a week and on Sunday's I go for my endurance rides. I wanted 20 miles today... so I went out and just did it. I didn't give myself the "option" of anything less!

Now, I need to work on my speed... off to the track I go for this weeks training! "Just doing it"... what else can I do?  I need to be ready for the "party".  At least that's what I heard the Disney Marathon was all about... A party! 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Yes, You Can... But, Will You?

Inspiration. I've been called that recently, and yes, I admit... it's made me feel good, but in reality I am far from it. I still have so much more to do, to accomplish, to prove... to myself and to every single person out there who has failed to look beyond a person's disabilty. I've met them. They are out there, they exist and I feel so sorry for them. It used to be anger, but now it is pity.

I'm doing more than I ever thought I could do. I am opening doors for myself that have already been opened for me through others who didn't settle for "no, we can't accomodate you", "no, you can't do this", or the stares, the mumblings... these people are slowly starting to realize that "no" is not going to work for me... unless I am the one saying it to myself.

I want to show my daughter that her mommy can do things... her mommy is strong, not only physically, but spiritually. Her mommy CAN and WILL.

So, am I inspiring? I really do not think so. But if you do and it is getting you off the couch and getting healthy... I will gladly take that title.

But, you want to know inspiring?

THIS is inspiring...

Team Hoyt

Click on the link above and meet what true inspiration is. Meet two men of integrity, men who opened the doors for all of us who are "disabled", men who made us realize...

Yes, we can...

The question is...

Will you?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Officially Official

"To determine to go and to say it-- was to be halfway there."

It's official!

I am heading to the 2012 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend as a participant in the FULL marathon!  I will be sporting my Mickey Ears... and some outfit Mickey related... FOR SURE! 

SIGH... let the training officially begin!!  Bring on those weights with Leah!  Bring on those LONG handcycling rides...  LOVE it!

For anyone who might have the misconception that what I'm doing is easy... I'd like to see YOU try...
just sayin'. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Excuses? WHAT?!? No, No, NO!!

There are no excuses.

If you have working legs- use them.
Many would love to have them.

If you have working arms- strengthen them.
Some don't have the ability to simply feed themselves.

If you have both-
seriously - get off your behind... and just do it.

Dig deep for the desire, the energy, the want, the need and most importantly - the self-worth. YOU are worth it. Don't sell yourself short. Ever.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Part of the Excitement is...

...the outfit of course!

I am thinking of this hat...



I know... I am a dork! LOL!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Just Doing It

It started off as a "wow, that is so awesome... I wish I could do that." A dream. People with disabilities that were still competing simply amazed me. I admired them. I respected them. I wished to be them. But, I never thought I could. It was simply- a dream.

Jessica, my sister-in-law, has accomplished several half marathons, a couple of triathalons and even a FULL marathon (amazing). She was the one who truly inspired me and was the greatest motivator in getting me to strive towards making my dream become reality.

So, my journey began. First I needed to get a handcycle. Thankfully, Michael Bird, existed. He researched and found the perfect handcycle for me. It was a first for him and I was so blessed to have him take this on. Finally, towards the end of January, I got my handcycle. I was ecstatic. I loved it!

It made me happy to know I was a step closer to reaching my dream of someday participating in a marathon, but the best thing about it was... riding with my daughter. I was actually able to hop on a "bike" and go on a bike ride with Jayda. And nothing has come close to that feeling. Nothing.

It quickly became addicting. I craved the rides. I loved the feeling of being able to take a "stroll" around the neighborhood. I loved the challenge of our "uphill" streets. I simply was in love with my new "ability".

I was "supposed" to start off with a 5K... uh, yeah... sure. Allow me to share a little about myself... I am strong-willed and stubborn. Enough said. I was all signed up for the 5K and thought... this is too easy... this needs to be challenging... I need to feel some burn... so, after about a month... a half-marathon it is. Yep... stubborn I tell you. VERY stubborn.

THEN... the organizers for the marathon questioned the handcycle... almost didn't let me participate... uhm, You know that stubborness I mentioned? Yeah... now I was DETERMINED to do it AND FINISH it. If nothing else but to PROVE to them I could. ;-)So I did.

I wanted it. I dreamt it. I did it. No excuses.

So, what is next? I am hoping to complete a couple more half-marathons and improve my time on them.

BUT, my ultimate goal is what this blog is all about... I am wheeling to Disney. I am GOING to do the Walt Disney World FULL Marathon in 2012. Imagine, making a dream come true at the most magical place on earth... it can't get any MORE special than that!

I am so thankful that Jessica and a friend are going to join me and help me make my dream come true!

I am excited!!

I am blogging about it because I know if I put it out there... I NEED to do it. Accountability.

So enjoy my journey as I wheel my way to Disney!