Enough with the I can't...
I can't...
because I don't have a baby sitter... but the sitter appears for night's out.
because I don't have time... 30 min.- 1hr... we can do that.
because it is too expensive... so are the buffets, the cover charges at the clubs, bars, etc.... uh, yeah...
because it is just too hard... so is carrying around 50+ extra weight around (speaking from experience).
because I have a lot going on... uh yeah... trust me, I know. But if we don't take care of ourselves we won't have much going on for much longer...
because my foot, hurts, I'm sore, my injury from 3 years ago... blah, blah, blah... I am the LAST person who will pity you for your foot hurting. Sorry.
Bottom line... no excuse is a good excuse. Just get it done.
If you don't, just be honest- I didn't do it because I CHOSE not to.